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[EI]Liang W. Soft interlayer effect on the mechanical behav
日期:13-03-21 15:11:06
[EI]Liang W. Soft interlayer effect on the mechanical behavior of bedded salt rock. Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII–Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Mechanical Behavior
- [教师论文]
[EI]Yu Yanmei. Study of micro-pores development in lean coa
日期:13-03-21 15:10:34
[EI]Yu Yanmei. Study of micro-pores development in lean coal with temperature. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- [教师论文]
[EI]Xing Pingwei. Study on similar simulation of the roof s
日期:13-03-21 15:07:54
[EI]Xing Pingwei. Study on similar simulation of the roof strata movement laws of the large mining height workface in shallow. Safety Science
- [教师论文]
[EI]Yang Tao. Experimental research on displacing coal bed
日期:13-03-21 11:49:44
[EI]Yang Tao. Experimental research on displacing coal bed methane with supercritical CO2. Safety Scienc
- [教师论文]
[EI]Feng Z.J. Experiment study of the thermal deformation o
日期:13-03-21 11:49:13
[EI]Feng Z.J. Experiment study of the thermal deformation of in-situ gas coal. Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions -Proceedings of the 2nd ISRM International Young Scholars’
- [教师论文]
[EI]Li Jiansheng. Mechanism and effect of electrochemical m
日期:13-03-21 11:48:40
[EI]Li Jiansheng. Mechanism and effect of electrochemical modification on physicochemical soft rock. Advanced Materials Research
- [教师论文]
[EI]Zhao D. Effects and influences of water injection on co
日期:13-03-21 11:47:59
[EI]Zhao D. Effects and influences of water injection on coalbed exploitation in mining engineering. Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions -Proceedings of the 2nd ISRM International Young Scholar...
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[EI]Zhao Jianzhong. Mathematical model and simulation of ga
日期:13-03-21 11:47:26
[EI]Zhao Jianzhong. Mathematical model and simulation of gas hydrate reservoir decomposition by depressurization (Modèle ). Oil and Gas Science and Technology
- [教师论文]
[EI]Yang Yongkang. Research on in-situ purification techni
日期:13-03-21 11:46:45
[EI]Yang Yongkang. Research on in-situ purification technique of mine water in Shendong mining area. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy
- [教师论文]
[EI]Li Jiansheng. Environmental problems and strategies ca
日期:13-03-21 11:46:12
[EI]Li Jiansheng. Environmental problems and strategies caused by coal mining. Advanced Materials Research